Scientific work

The sphere of scientific interests of the department deals with issues of endocrine surgery, purulent-septic surgery, diabetic foot syndrome, emergency surgery of the abdominal cavity, surgical treatment of pathology of the abdominal cavity using laparoscopic interventions.

The problems of optimization of treatment of patients with thyroid gland diseases are studied: goiter, hyperparathyroidism, benign and malignant adrenal tumors. Differentiated approaches to pathogenetically-based treatment of patients with diabetic foot syndrome are developed. The study of the peculiarities of the course of acute suppurative and inflammatory processes of soft tissues on the background of diabetes mellitus is carried out. The questions of optimization of medical tactics in patients with ulcerous gastroduodenal bleeding through endoscopic hemostasis are studied. Technologies of manufacturing and use of xenodermotransplants in the treatment of burnt patients, and in wound defects of another etiology are developed. The study of the issues of complex surgical treatment of patients with acute abdominal sepsis continues. The effectiveness of extracorporal methods of detoxification in the complex treatment of patients with acute destructive pancreatitis is studied.

The department carries out research works: "Optimization of barrier methods of prophylaxis and surgical treatment of adhesive peritoneal disease". The purpose of the work: to improve the results of treatment of patients with acute adhesive small-bowel obstruction through the improvement of treatment-diagnostic tactics and the development of methods for preventing complications and relapse of the disease.

The complex of clinical and experimental researches are deepened and supplemented scientific knowledge concerning expediency and efficiency of application of high-frequency current with the purpose of tissue dissection and hemostasis in surgical practice. In particular, in thyroid gland surgery, histologically and morphometrically, it has been argued that the use of LigaSure causes the formation of a "coagulation seal", which provides a reliable hemostasis. For the first time morphological features of structural remodeling of the thyroid gland in the area of ​​direct influence of high-frequency current, in perifocal, and remote sites under the conditions of LigaSure technology are established. For the first time, a dynamic morphological analysis of wound healing, in which different methods were used to stop the bleeding, the advantages of using the thermal factor in thyroid surgery over vascular ligation with atraumatic thread were established. For the first time in clinical studies, it was found that under the conditions of hemostasis, LigaSure technology, in comparison with classical hemostasis, reduces the duration of surgical intervention, the level of blood loss, the number of postoperative complications, the length of stay of the patient in the hospital, and the improvement of the cosmetic effect by reducing the magnitude of surgical access.

"Laparoscopic technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of acute adhesion obstruction".

The results of the research will improve the treatment of patients with acute adhesive obstruction through early diagnosis and the use of laparoscopic technologies in the treatment. A method for controlling the development of adhesions and methods for preventing the development of relapses of acute adhesive obstruction with the use of local barrier solutions will be developed and tested.

Main scientific achievements of the department

The stuff of the Department of General Surgery has developed and implemented a number of methods and methods of treatment and diagnosis of thyroid gland pathology, complications of diabetes mellitus, ulcerous gastroduodenal bleeding, burn injury, severe trauma of soft tissues of the limbs, in particular:

· Device for early diagnosis of relapses bleeding

· The method of fasciotomy with compartment syndrome

· A method of treatment and prevention of relapse of bleeding in non-ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract

· A method for predicting relapse of bleeding in patients with ulcerative gastroduodenal bleeding

· Method of intraoperative diagnostics of complex inguinal hernias

· The method of plasticisation of umbilical vein and modification of hernioplasty of direct inguinal hernias

· The method of making xenodermotransplants

· Method for determining individual tolerance to polymer


· The method of surgical dermoplasty is developed

· Patented single-use dermatologist with original design

· A method for identifying the laryngeal nerve is developed

· A method for the treatment of acute pancreatitis

· Method of diagnosis of endothelial dysfunction with acute

inflammatory diseases

· Developed the original method of conducting autodermotransplantation with the help of relief skin flap

· Original silicone skin grafts have been developed

· Methods of hemostasis and tissue dissection with high-frequency current in surgical treatment of patients with nodular and toxic goiter

· Optimized the method of using vacuum therapy in the treatment of wounds

Over the past 5 years, the Department of General Surgery has prepared and defended 1 doctoral dissertation and 5 candidate dissertations, published two manuals and textbooks, published more than 80 scientific works.

At present 4 candidate dissertations are conducted at the department.