Educational work

Students of medical, dental faculties and faculty of foreign students study at the Department of General Surgery at Ternopil State Medical University. The department successfully implements the implemented teaching methods. Accordingly, a new methodical provision in the form of materials for preparation for practical classes, presentations of lectures, methodical developments for students, algorithms of practical skills, methodical developments for teachers was developed. All this exists in the paper and electronic version, and students have free access to it.

In accordance with the concept of university development, the faculty continued to improve practical training. As a result, the tape system of teaching at the Department of General Surgery was introduced during the study of disciplines. Accordingly, training rooms for general surgery were prepared, changes were made to the schedules and curricula, which allowed to improve the efficiency of the educational process, the acquisition of practical skills by students.

In addition, the implementation of the following stages of formation of the information educational system of the department:

· Placing on the Web-portal working programs, methodical instructions, schedules of classes, schedules of alternates of teachers at the department.

· Placement by teachers on personal Web pages of slide sets for each lecture;

· Placement of teaching materials for lectures for students. Here is information - text material from literary sources (except for the main textbook), necessary graphic images, photos and videos, reading and reviewing which student will be prepared for the perception of the lecture;

· Placing the department of materials for preparation for practical classes: text material, drawings, links to video films. Here the teachers place the necessary information for conducting the lesson;

Also, the deployment of the department on the basis of ambulance services provides a higher level of the relationship between students and practitioners, medical personnel, they are referred to as junior colleagues, they participate in clinical examinations and discussions, and clinical conferences.

The material and technical equipment of the hospital (X-ray, ultrasound, endoscopic examination, computer tomography allows students to be involved in the clinical and instrumental examination of patients with the consideration and interpretation of the results obtained, as well as the students practice a line of practical skills from the disciplines.

Ass. professor R. Kushnir with students (2018)

An important issue in the preparation of students is the provision of a basic textbook "General Surgery" edited by Zheliba M.D. etc., on the basis of which the overwhelming part of the questions is composed. However, the majority of students, preparing for classes, uses not only the textbook, given that preparation involves the use of monographs, scientific articles on the specialty and data on the Internet.

The organization of the educational process and ongoing control at the Department of General Surgery is characterized by the fact that it is not limited to the assessment of students' knowledge only using test tasks and situational tasks, taking into account the shortcomings of one-way control. We have been worked out, discussed at the sessions of the department, and implemented a system of knowledge assessment in the educational process, which includes student surveys, mastery of their practical skills, solution of test tasks and situational tasks, and control of the implementation of deontological requirements with association in one traditional assessment.

Demonstration of the practical skill (2018)

Teachers use methodological developments, thematic patients, situational tasks, test tasks in the educational process. Patients are interested in the diagnostic plan for the best assimilation of the subject on clinical trials, as well as at clinical conferences. The Department constantly updates and improves the topics of lectures, practical classes and methodical developments.